Also, did you know prostitution increases in holiday seasons because all them single mothers need moneys for gifts so their kids can be like other, non-piss poor kids, because your worth as a parent is obviously measured by how many video games you can buy? Also true.
Cheerfulness and giving is fine, but what aggravates me is how everyone pretends the world is soft and cuddly for a few days while the darness lurks beneath the thin, crusty surface, and as always the people at the bottom suffers for it. From the ground up it's a sham. A distraction. Pagan holidays in not even remotely christian clothing.
what really grinds my gears is the hypocrisy of it. It would be so much better if we were given the days off for no other reason than not working. "Here, have some days off, go home and see your family." Without the burden of having the almost (and in some cases definite) religious obligation to add revenue to makers and retailers. And be kind. Why not always be kind? Do we really need a holiday for pretending to be it?
These pagan holidays give true Christians a bad name. Hollywood has helped towards this of course, as well with the spreading of propaganda and indoctrinating the children over time with evolution/atheism with ever increasing numbers. Funny how the world has gotten "better" since those belief numbers increased over the last 2 decades? Think about it.
Something, can't come from nothing. We observe order and design when we look at everything in nature and in the universe. Christians believe YHWH (God) created everything by design and has a purpose and offered us ever lasting life if we repent of our sins through believing that Yeshua (Jesus Christ) died for our sins and was raised from the dead on the 3rd day. What does evolution/atheists teach? Death, destruction and chaos... if you set off a bomb, you don't get order out of that bomb explosion, just chaos and all the material would be spinning in the same direction. As with the planetary objects, they don't, we observe the opposite, they turn left and right. Everything is at the right distance to form the right climate and conditions for life to exist. Scientists copy almost everything from nature and claim the design as "theirs" and when it's "their" invention, it's never questioned that it was by their design. When you say that everything was designed by YHWH (God) all of a sudden they can't give credit and all the glory to where it should go, to YHWH. (God)
Look into how just one cell works, it's a miniature city with functions, if the cell wasn't created with everything in place from the start, it wouldn't function and it would die. If Darwin had an electron microscope to see these functions he would hang his head in shame; especially when he saw what his theory, or shall I rather say, his religion, has wrought on the world.
Science is starting to prove ever more for a creation event.
Have a look at this short video if you would like:
A deeper study:
May this find you well.