The point is to pack more cores on a single socket. It saves money.
Don't get overly excited. I assume you mean SAP ERP.
ERP means enterprise resource planning, which is basically a model of your company. The idea is that one system contains all the data you need: sales, assets, liabilities, inventory, employees, costs, open issues etc.
Lets say your company doesn't have an ERP. You'll have separate systems for different things:
- for sales (who sold what),
- for employees (who came when, who's on medical leave)
- for inventory (what is to be sold)
- for aftersales issues (because the same people who sell are also covering returns or basic repairs)
Keep in mind "a system" could also mean an Excel sheet or hand-written notes...
Imagine the huge cost needed to check efficiency of an employee.
John sold just 3 apples today - he usually sells 17.
Maybe he got sick and went home after lunch? Maybe he was dealing with someone unhappy with bad milk sold yesterday? Maybe there were just 3 apples in the shop? Maybe the power was down for most of the day?
On the other hand, if you have a centralized database (ERP) you can define metrics that can automatically refresh daily (or even live).
Underneath is a normal database, usually Oracle or SQL Server. On top is an interface (either SAP-made or custom) you actually see - it can be good or bad. Those made by SAP seem dated, but I've seen worse custom ones.
The technologically interesting product is SAP HANA, which is a columnar, in-memory database design for analytics. It is hugely fast. It's not a standard yet, but more and more companies buy it.
"In-memory" means the system sucks everything it needs to RAM - in a traditional database disk operations are the biggest cost of queries.
In-memory databases are getting traction now and are the main reason Intel is pushing these Cascade Lake Xeons.
Optane is the game changer, as it was meant to be from the beginning.