Then excercise physical access control.
Yup. Governments should never replace good parenting.
Haha I guess you are not parents yet.
This is not the 70's when you can whip your belt and start swinging. The "you are grounded, can't go out" doesn't work because kids don't get out of their rooms anyway, bikes are rusting in the sheds.
I even got to the point that, for punishments, I lock the phone in the safe, and I face the meltdown that follows, confronted with accusations of "this is child abuse". It's like living with an addict going "cold turkey".
Another little secret: Apple also doesn't collaborate with parental controls software, like Android and Windows, so that's why all the kids want iPhones... Sure they claim they do, but parents HAVE to have iPhones too, and their parental controls are laughable.
We have clinics for chemical addictions, but not for this
new kind addiction. Other parents don't have the mental energy to do that on daily basis, they just gave up and this is interpreted as "freedom", like a meth addict being "free" to use as much meth as he wants. Parents are just not qualified to treat the addiction at the level that "social media" apps and games are designed to do damage. They have professional psychologists hired to design the maximum addiction into the games/apps.
A government ban is much easier to be dealt with, directs the anger towards somebody else. Personally, if I ban instagram, facebook, snapchat at WiFi level, I just find out that my family data plan gets used more

. I would like to have the option to ban those at cell network level too, but that needs government help.
We, as a country, are raising a generation of addicts.
Blaming the parents for the drugs dealers bring daily in the schools and even inside the house is just stupid.