I am not talking about debt. I am referring to retirees who had big financial losses in the financial crises of 2008 and have never recovered. Now cuts in SS and Medicare, after a round by the previous administration. I am talking about direct severe reduction of incomes in the retiree classes.
Debt itself cannot be separated from these financial losses you speak of, it factors in too.
Many including some potential retirees certainly had some debt at that time and just by being in debt alone made things harder on them now.
Speaking of the financial losses of 2008, that was due at least in part by the reset of the real estate market which some retirees had a stake in as a future investment for retirement. The obvious is it was a risk they took by doing so and note the term "Risk", it's inherent in how it all works anyway which there is nothing any of us can do about that.
Also doesn't help that back in 2006 when the Dem's had control over
both houses they did
nothing to address the coming reset which was known to be coming even then. If you have the power and do nothing knowing such is around the corner, you're just as culpritable as any other involved.
BTW I'm in that age group of so-called "Retirees" and know first hand about how it is having lost a full 50% of what I had at the time once it was all over with, which BTW never fully recovered.
The biggest "Thing" that triggered it all was how overinflated the market had become with all the loans/debt that was outstanding and when all that came due there was nothing of substance to repay it with, hence the bubble everyone had heard about before.
Folks had gotten themselves into debt buying houses, land and other real estate deals and while that's one thing it's another when it all comes due with nothing to repay it with. This caused a chain reaction across the market and it just went from there. I didn't have anything related to real estate to worry about, what got me was the results of the chain reaction that followed with everyone trying to make good on those debts but the substance/money just wasn't there to repay it all with.
That's why
it is a matter of debt even if it seems it's not part of it because it's all intertwined, like it or not.
And I can promise you I didn't like it one bit.