It's funny to see some people saying :
"Trump is right"
"Trump is wrong"
"America is stronger than China"
"China is stronger than America"
Mixed up altogether and you get most of the comments from both perspective.
See, us, Europeans, have a total different point of view, because at only 1000km from your city, there's ex-USSR countries, as cheap as China (nearly).
USA and China economic war is actually quite fascinating since they depends en each other.
China cannot live without USA consumption, way above any country in Europe (in Europe for your 18 birthday, you have a phone maybe, not a car), and everybody (nearly) lives in close range of cities with what you call "small cars" (60 to 90 horse-power mainly, or smaller), in flats (70m² for a family of 3 and 100-120m² for a family of 4 or 5). A small house cost 500 times the minimum wage + taxes because own something ; only rich people can afford it.
USA on the other hand don't have the balls of steel you think. Most of US debt is owned by other countries, that's huge :
And as stated before, Americans don't even have a clue of how much they over-consume. It's just silly for the rest of the world.
What Trump is doing ? Playing with the string of this war, not having a clue of what it does. All he cares about is to divide people and hear their shouting while pulling strings. That's fun for him.
He will never be impeached because the vice-president is far worse than him, so he do what he wants when he wants. Like in reality show. Except that's not a show and we are the one "Fired" at.
Now please, stop posting a shit ton of posts over any decision he will make for the remaining 2 years. It's pointless.
And it's absurd to try to do the math over this economic war : it's like trying to find whether Schrödinger cat is dead or alive. You will only know it when it's over. And we have a thing called "climate change" in the balance, that can kill us all before this war ends.