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ASUS A7N8XE-DeLuxe W/AMD Athalon XP 3200+ (at stock speed for the moment)Antec truepower 550watt Psu,and 1.5 Gig of Corsair XMS 3200c2, An ATI 9800Pro with an Arctic Silencer, and copper ramsinks. In Thermaltake v6000a aluminum case , with window. 2 maxtor IDE HDD (80G ,120G)and a maxtor Sata 80G not in pictures. An nec 3520 dvd burner and a panasonic dvd rom reside behind the lockable front door,along with the power button. A microsoft fingerprint scanner finish's this rig off. There are 6 controlable fans in this case and 3 thermalprobes /with readouts and 3 fan rpm readouts
All fans in the case were replaced with Thermaltake smart case fans. the casefeet were replaced with blue led feet. There are 3 color changing leds insde the case 1. in the alum cross bar. 2. in the side bottom of the 5inch bay area and 3. in the front panel behind the door. All the termal probe and fan speed connections have been hard wired together eliminating all the molex connectors and run down the front or across through the alum crossbar The 9800 has an arctic silencer on it along with copper ramsinks

ASUS A7N8XE-DeLuxe W/AMD Athalon XP 3200+ (at stock speed for the moment)Antec truepower 550watt Psu,and 1.5 Gig of Corsair XMS 3200c2, An ATI 9800Pro with an Arctic Silencer, and copper ramsinks. In Thermaltake v6000a aluminum case , with window. 2 maxtor IDE HDD (80G ,120G)and a maxtor Sata 80G not in pictures. An nec 3520 dvd burner and a panasonic dvd rom reside behind the lockable front door,along with the power button. A microsoft fingerprint scanner finish's this rig off. There are 6 controlable fans in this case and 3 thermalprobes /with readouts and 3 fan rpm readouts
All fans in the case were replaced with Thermaltake smart case fans. the casefeet were replaced with blue led feet. There are 3 color changing leds insde the case 1. in the alum cross bar. 2. in the side bottom of the 5inch bay area and 3. in the front panel behind the door. All the termal probe and fan speed connections have been hard wired together eliminating all the molex connectors and run down the front or across through the alum crossbar The 9800 has an arctic silencer on it along with copper ramsinks
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