If all you want is "healthy competitioon" then why are you trying to excuse AMD's poor drivers for Navi's launch on "it must be trolls/liars/overblown" and push your annecdotal experience as fact? That kind of blind fanboyism will only hold healthy cometition back, not push it forward.
Many reviewers and users have had problems with Navi's drivers since launch. Many people still dont have working freesync, or blackscreen crash issues. This is reminiscint of AMD's driver problems back in the late 2000s, you know, the ones that persisted over the course of months? Those driver ssues are why fermi sold so well despite being hot garbage, AMD was just too unstable/unpredictable.
AMD was getting a lot better, but that largely is due ot them pushing the same architecture for 7 years straight. They had plenty of time to iron the bugs out, now they are back to finding bugs and taking months to fix them. These drivers would undermine the launch of a hypothetical 5800/5900XT card. AMD should absolutely be held accountable for these problems, lest t hey think letting the community hang out to dry is acceptable (again). No fanboy here, I have products from all the major players in my possession. It's funny how you try to single me out as a fanboy... for what? Because I voiced my opinion, you're part of the problem with the pc society. At the end of the day I will continue to enjoy my purchase and not expect any hiccups right? Funny, you know me. Toxic much!!!