I compared IE and Edge to each other in a specific context,
True - by the brand name.
I did not call them the same browser.
And I did not say you did. You just suggested Edge must be bad simply because it is also made by Microsoft.
My" lack of objectivity? Yeah right. All anyone has to do is search this forum (starting with this thread) and just about every time any Microsoft product is mentioned, you jump in with comments like "you don't trust Microsoft" or in this case, "I have never been a fan of Microsoft's browsers." Your first post in this thread is no exception - it was all about how you dislike and hate and don't trust - not an objective word about how Edge performs.
You justify your "hate" for edge by claiming that Edge is made by Microsoft, that Microsoft is not trustworthy, that Windows is not open source, that Google is "
worthy of trust"

, and that Comodo Dragon is trustworthy too. Not a single "objective" comment about Edge.
and plugin/extension options are, let me check here.... yup, non-existent.
Now that is just out and out false! Clearly you didn't check, but instead, assume, again, your great wealth of experience is all you need to justify your claims - even your made up ones!
Not only are there extensions available from the Microsoft Store, but because the new Edge is Chromium based, you can easily add Chrome extensions to Edge - something you would have known had you really checked, as you claimed you did! But you don't need to do your homework, huh?
add chrome plugins to the new edge
Oh wait, that's a Bing search - it's by Microsoft so it must be bad.
Google: add chrome plugins to the new edge
And worst of all, your biases run so deep, you accuse any one who uses Chrome, Edge or IE as "
witless and/or ignorant"! That's objective? NO! It is pure condescension, arrogance and downright offensive. And you went further and defended your comments by stating, "
Anyone who has even a modicum of understanding of the needs of privacy and computing security knows better than to use those browsers".