To me it looks suspiciously like the guy is trying to justify a disappionting purchase motivated by hype. I'm of course speculating, but I personally met a few people just like that, not only in PC hardware space.
As for the Intel GPUs, I fail to see any point in speculating based on unconfirmed snippet of information. On the one hand, Intel can throw money at the problem, while on the other, it's easy to ruin a perfectly good product with a small oversight.
@kings 4-500 watt for the data center only, these are all rumors, other rumors say 1-4 tiles will make up DG2 the consumer high end, these are rumors but back to 4-500 watts, is that going to compare well to arcturis or nvidias Hopper, I doubt it, also rumors indicate that the original use case for intels GPU left the waiting room already(streaming) and the GGPU faculties of this chip cost efficiency and die space, we will see but rumors are not sounding good to me
@TheUn4seen I owned Fx8350 i owned vega neither use the wattage in use people percieved but they got slammed(rightly so on efficiency) and the vega 64 has done millions of folding
@home Work units all day everyday since purchase @110-150watts , does 4k gaming on every game i have played at180-250 watts , if it works it works ,i bought and stuck a 1080ti gets 10-15% better Fps but would have cost me 10-15% more, im fine with my over hyped( true but mostly by other than AMD ) GPU
so then, why is intel different why shouldn't they get stick for raping wattage< answer that one question
I am certainly not hyping This , and I certainly don't want intel to fail, but my disappointment in what's been shown(Dg1 and this) is what it is, and as i said I now think Intels a non starter in the GPU space until 2021 at the earliest(i think im being optimistic here btw) unfortunately.
AND other than the foveros bit of this tech it sounds less interesting as a commercial purchase than any of its competition BY FAR.
AND EVERYONE keeps saying Intel has the money, true they certainly do - let's see what the shareholders have to say in 2021 shall we, they love throwing their dividend at the wall to hopefully stick? hence the massive re organization lately, it was all going to plan eh.
IT takes years to bring change into chip architecture not a year not two,,,, years, MANY years like 3-5, if they f up, like Larrabee,, they cant change tac that easy and despite all, will have to crack on, so by now positive news regarding their GPU's is what we need to be seeing not this.