I disagree wholeheartedly
Uhm....People said the same thing about STEAM when it first started...
Yes because it was somewhat broken because they underestimated demand that would be placed on the service, and bug ridden on arrival took them nearly 3 years to iron out the issues and take it out of "BETA." If you were to find me before 2007 and ask me about Steam, my response would roughly be "Steam is garbage; change my mind." That opinion stuck until Orange box actually Half-Life 2, Steam be damned, it was Half-Life.
PC's and they gave anyone that claimed to have an ATI GFX the Orange Box.... Steam did what they had to do to attract customers from sites like Direct 2 Drive at first to
Steam lauched in 2003, D2D a year later, Orange box was released in 2007. What you are implying wasn't reality.
....Epic will be Steam before long
Despite the efforts of other platforms like GOG, Steam largely went uncontested until the the second publisher backed DD platform, Origin, was launched by EA. EGS does not have this luxury so it can't ever become steam, it's just going to be an alternative to Steam which it already is.