This dosnt look like a Seasonic rebrand, notice Seasonic's passive fan mode push button isnt there
I didn't say this one is Seasonic, i said that the only Antec PSUs worth considering are those made by Seasonic, because they're often the cheapest of all Seasonic Focus rebrands and actually are competitive, pretty much everything else isn't. This one is made by Jiuzhou / HKC, basically the same thing as Thermaltake PF1. I might've been a decent option if it was cheaper, but they're cranking up the price tag just because it's 80+ Platinum and people will buy it thinking that this automatically means that it's a good PSU.
That database wasn't updated in about 7 years by now, anything listed there is obsolete already. Not even sure where did you see a NE Platinum there, not to mention one made by Delta.