regardless of facts though, if parents like this try to do anything, there will be an overwhelming number of people that will crush anything they say and send any attempt to stop the controller right into the ground, its been almost 20 yeas since we started having gun shaped controllers, there not going away, first person shooters are not going away, psychopaths are not going away either, but a gun shaped controller IS to enhance the realism of the game, Period.
research b4 you post something as fact, duckhunt was made in 1984
i think you just got pwned by facts, you can appologize to the person you effectivly called a lier now
not trying to be a dick but facts are facts and that fact took me all of 10seconds to google.
as to this, these people need to get lives.
as to you dirty forginers who think guns kill people, use some logic, if the guns just sitting there loaded or not its not gonna kill anybody, it requiers a person to use the gun for it for somebody to die, now take the next logical step, a guns a tool that can kill people, so any tool that can kill people must be evil, hammers, screwdrivers, icepicks, pencils, boxcutters,books(u can bludgon somebody to death with one afterall).
now since its clearly not the hammer that killed somebody(unless your logic ciruts are burnt out) the same is true for the gun, its just an inanamit object, sure its made for killing, ok thats not alwase true, i had a .22 target rifle and a .22 target pistol, sure they could be used for killing, but their real perpous was for target shooting not hunting, and as with anything if used improperly it can have very bad results, hell somebody neer here a few months back died after inhailing that nickalodian goop stuff(has a texture like mercury) when he was high, got in his lungs and he drowned in it, no joke, i am suprised it wasnt on the nightly news(cant find it on google but i was at the hosp when they brought him in(dead by the time they got him there) what a way to die, get high and inhail stuff made to be a kids toy(hell the stuff is fun for all ages!!!!!)
hell years back when i was in highschool some MORON tryed to use scotchguard to huff and he died because it sealed his you people will say that should be taken off the market because "it killed him" when in reality it was stupidity that killed him.
blah, well i live here, and sure some places in the states gun violance is common, but in reality thats only in limmited areas, most people dont have to worrie about somebody shooting them in their day to day lives, and those people who shoot and kill others would knife them or bludgon them to death if they didnt have a gun, so taking the guns away isnt going to stop the violance.
as to the pairnting classes, i do happen to feel people should be requiered to take a pairnting class, and that it should be state/fedraly funded, sure it would cost $ to start, but if done properly the $ that would/could be saved in foster care and other systems that excist to deal with kids whos pairnts are unable to pairent properly would go down, prevention insted is alwase better then rehabilitation and incarceration.
good example, my buddy ted, his mother just sucked as a mother, his grandmother took him in back in the 8th grade, he was wild child, no disiplin at all, bad attatude, just a little prick, well granny wouldnt take that, she litterly bitchslaped him more then once to get him to listen(he needed it, he even admits that now) it took her a couple years to get him into shape but he thanks her for it every chance he gets, he lives with her still, takes care of her(shes in her late 80's and cant do alot of stuff herself anymore) mom on the other hand got herself prego and has had 3 more kids all in state care because she just cant deal with them, she signed them over for foster care, now if she had been taught how to be a proper pairnt when she had her son(my buddy ted) would things have turned out like that for her? maby, but then again had she taken the corse and realised she couldnt do it maby she would have asked mom for help or to take ted and raise him, or hell given him up for adoption, but honestly she no clue what to do and was living over 700 miles away from any family, she even said she wishes she could have had somebody teach her how to be a pairnt because she didnt have a clue what to do.
oh and im an advocat of spanking, mind you not beating, but spanking, theres a diffrance, i got my arse whooped more times then i could count when i was growing up, most times for stuff i did that i KNEW i shouldnt do, sometimes for stuff i didnt do, but even then i knew that i got spanked less then i deserved for stuff i didnt get caught doing(havent we all been there? )
the problem is today pairnts are afrade to spank their kids, because some stupid goody 2 shoes will call child services and say you where beating ur kids, hell the cops around here for the most part if called about that stuff talk to the pairnts, then talk to the kid, and most times they just tell the pairnts to watch it, because honestly, most of them grew up like most of us, in a generation where we got are asses whooped for the stupid shit we did.....
if you want a good prespective on this whole situation read/listen to the book "starship troopers" the unabriged version, you will understand what im saying, where we as a socity to take what the auther says and acctualy use it, i think the violance and other problems we see would be mostly delt with.....
blah i rammbled to much lol