You learn something new every day.
At the same time, its feedback on the author's style of writing.
As commonplace as it might be, its still feedback. The most important part of that feedback, I think, is that ICYMI adds literally zero to the content presented. After all if you DIDN't miss it, you won't be reading the article to begin with. And for everyone else... it strikes me as hipster speak that serves influencer clicks. I get that typical snowflake effect from it. Dunno why, is it because I'm old (35...

) or because I'm still sane? Whatever, it just feels that way, and it clearly got in the way of directing the reader's attention to the content rather than the writing style. And apparently, I'm far from unique in feeling that way.
Another thought is that many things 'common' today are really not cool at all. And most do originate from the internet slang that develops in the gutter of social media. So again, I ask, is that what TPU wants to associate with? Do its users? The same BBC that copied it, is old media that happily copies every Twitter fart and Facebook trend to make news.

All the while wondering why people have such short attention spans.
My point being... let's apply some critical thinking over what we so shamelessly copy 'because people do it', and whether it actually serves a purpose or is just there so you can be part of the flock.