I'm saying that BTC & essentially all, or at least the major crypto coins, have appreciated this much because of the "free" (or almost free) money out there. The biggest surges across the world in stock markets have coincided with lowering interest rates, increased money supply & one could argue lowering of taxes the world over. The biggest investors in crypto are also the most wealthy on the planet, it isn't all just a happy coincidence!
There's a few things happening across the world, which
IMO are absurd but won't change in our lifetimes.
The amount of time we're spending to make our lives "better" or secure is ever increasing ~ that's true for the vast majority of people out there. You could very well say life is cheaper than ever. That's not even a philosophical take on things it's literally that bad.
Consumerism ~ more people are being led to believe they "need" things which in reality they can easily live without. Now it isn't totally the fault of corporations since most adults should be able to resist this itch but then there's this thing called
(big) tech which has made it hard to take your mind of such things which in the past we could easily ignore. The cheap credit lines are just a way to ensure the bean counters keep running!
With natural resources being exploited at the rate they are & ever increasing poverty across most places across the globe, plus concentration of wealth at the top, the only way normal people feel they can get out of this never ending cycle of 24*7*365 work/slavery is by becoming rich & quickly! Except they're just perpetuating the cycle.
Do you understand what I'm getting at? The only way to stop the wheel, or break it, is to make all the monies in the world worth less than humans lives ~ now how do we achieve that is the priceless answer!
And as the economy reopens, BTC seems to go back down as people start spending their money on useful things again (you know, like gasoline)
There's probably already a tipping point (or bottom) beyond which BTC won't crash under like it did in the past. Armchair hobbyists/enthusiasts/investors exiting wont make a difference anymore!