Yes, let's forcibly kneecap technological innovation via beuracracy. Because everyone knows the rest of the world will listen to whatever insane BS the government comes up with and places like china would NEVER take advantage of this to steamroll western tech. No siree.
I beg to differ. Sure, right now you are seeing tons of innovation be it from Intel or AMD, but remember before 2017, Intel was just using the same old architecture, doing minimal refinements, and selling it to customers for a horrendous price. On top of that, every other "tick" cost you a new mainboard.
They also did this before the above example, but now this crap is a big concern.
Also one thing to note, more time on one socket will not mean kneecapping anything. Remember the jump from Intel 7th gen to 8th gen. They wanted you to have a new mainboard and everything, because of some so called limitations (AMD did this with B350 and 5000 Ryzen, so I'm not saying they're better). Remember modders coming up with BIOS updates to make this CPUs work on 100-chipset gen mainboards? I do, because I had a Clevo Laptop with a dektop socket CPU. I had no other choice but to hold on to my laptop, install the modded BIOS and voila. Laptop worked even better and ran cooler with the i5 8400 compared to 7400 because the CPU did not use more power for basic tasks.