oh i got where you're going in your first post but i've tried to avoid telling you i don't share your low opinion of custom cable makers. i guess you had a bad experience and i'm sorry for that but fortunately for myself i watched
lutro0 be a knowledgeable, detail oriented, extremely helpful individual. who had a stellar reputation among dozens of boutique builders, but like caselabs, all good thing must end i guess.
though i can't see anyone trying to save a few bucks
per one thousand parts to put their reputation at stake cheapening out on parts. its a shame those links didn't work out for you or you would see that on both digikey and mouser's catalogues. as far as aesthetic uniformity; i'm very sure the same paracord used for the 16awg wires would at least accommodate two of the 28awg sense wires if not all four. and on a side note, i recommend reading aris' article i posted before -
turns out just two of the four wires are required:
so hey! there goes half the problem! right?!
though seriously, new combs will need to arrive to market anyhow since 4, 6, 8, and 24 space combs are common but no 12/16 spacers. i'm sure comb manufacturers (whoever they are!) can design a mold to inject some plastic that will make (most) all people happy. its not like those are expensive anyhow.
if there is a market for it . .
it will be fine. don't be a debbie downer.