As someone that DIYs a lot more than my PCs I've seen a bunch of his stuff and all of it is impressive in one way or another at the very least. His DIY Bluetooth speaker was a cool one, and looks like something somone could replicate.Matts made quite a lot of coolshstuff in the past. I'm surprised to see him mentioned here, but moreso surprised (and disappointed) to see people here are throwing him shade. he deserves more appreciation. just because he may have a penchant for particular hardware (server psu's and ultra high CRI leds) and just because he conveys an unconventional modding approach, doesn't mean that he's not talented.
He's obviously a smart and talented dude, and really the only fault I could put on any of his endeavors is the practicality of some of his projects and this is one of those, as insanely awesome as the end result is I doubt anyone else is going to replicate it. I'm just glad it turned out for him cause there were multiple points where things just could have not worked out and you'd have a shit load of copper and wasted time. Someone with CNC access could probably build a case and block kit but even that would probably be a incrediblely niche product.
One thing that confused me though was how the first PS5 board died. Shouldn't it just have gone into thermal protection and shutdown instead of dieing like that?