Assange is not American and never worked for or on behalf of America, he had no duty or obligation to keep their dirty secrets and they should have no right to demand his extradition. He should not be subject to US law in any way or form. He just happen to have wronged the wrong people by exposing the shitstorm that was happening in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's pretty much someone's personal vendetta at this point.
Snowden commited treason pure and simple (not judging on the validity or morals of it, he is an american and was working in america for the nsa with a security clearence, no way around that).
I don't understand this idea. Why does it matter whoever was there, isn't that up to Ukraine? I don't get the old view of "spheres of influence" and whatever is close to Russia is Russia's business, why should they dictate what Ukraine does or does not do, were they about to be attacked or something? (they weren't)
The US made some stupid things like for example putting the wrong people in the wrong place during the maidan revolution and scaring Putin's dictatorial ass by assigning an expert on colour revolutions to the area when things were brewing up both in Belarus and Russia (like the biggest protests ever in Russia around 2012), but is that a case for invasion!? This shit all started when Ukraine had the audacity of drifting away from Russian influence after their pupet president went back on the promise of seeking EU membership (which led to the maidan revolution).
But you're right, weapon makers and defense contractors are the ones truly making bank as usual, and in a couple years construction and rehabilitation until the next war and then the cycle repeats
(sorry mods if too political, tough topic)