This is an Epyc CPU. So the point is to compete with Intel Server CPUs, which hasn't had a new one since what, 2020? Earlier? And won't until some undefined time "next year". Alder Lake and all those other consumer CPUs are irrelevant in the server space. Playing fanboy games and imagining a fanciful future about consumer CPUs based on a single benchmark of a server CPU is laughable.
Single thread increases in the Epyc line gen over gen has so far quite closely followed the ones in the desktop space and AMD themselves have stated 15% in their slides (which their ardent fanboys claim was just them underselling themselves, lol

), so it's far from basing anything on a single benchmark, but rather their own claims that are seeming more and more like reality with every passing week.
R23 is a great gauge for scaling cores, but no one who uses the underlying technology that powers R23 will ever use it in a real world situation on a single core. How about a "real world" comparison, rather than a benchmark that has nothing to do with reality.!
Yes, the Alder Lake CPU's are great (competition at last), and yes both Raptor Lake and AMD 7000 will be out shortly, but AMD 8000 is only 1-year away (depending on a million factors).!
Ahhh, whatever doesn't show AyyyyMD in the best of light, is invalid, right? Be sure to mention that to Wizzard (and most of the other reviewers), so he(they) can adapt their methods accordingly!

Oh, and you are nothing if not optimistic if you believe zen5 is only a year away...

(8000 series might actually be, but that will be more akin to 2000 over 1000, i.e. a polished turd
