Let's not go there. It's not exactly like AMD's cards can be had for reasonable prices.
I mean, the 6900xt is like 700 dollars now right? is that not kinda reasonable?
Just wished the rest of the stack downwards also got some good cuts.
Oh absolutely, my only point here is that AMD does the same, there's a tendency to shred Nvidia for anything and everything they do, and twist it however they can for it to be negative, anti-consumer yada yada yada. Well, their lord and saviour does this stuff too, as well as other, much worse things.
I hope AMD's volunteer marketing department people do slowly start to realise that, but I won't hold my breath.
You gotta back that up with some evidence.
Shred Nvidia? well buying PhysX and making it proprietary is anti consumer and anti progress.
DLSS being a closed off standard is anti consumer and anti progress
Gsync....same story again.
Back in the day, AMD gave them flac for the fake amount of Vram on the GTX970, easy jabs sure but nothing was twisted to be negative, it was just a fact of false advertisement.
AMD meanwhile made open standards for all of that (well physx just went away really)
AMD also championed Mantle, which later became Vulcan, which again was totally open for all to use and had some positive changes planned (audio focussed improvements) and arguably also contributed how DX12 ended up being.
I think the current remarks regarding DP 1.4 are perhaps a bit silly, but at the same time its also silly for Nvidia to charge this much and then not offer the latest tech.
I also think the 7900XT pricing is too close to the XTX but specs wise there is a bigger gab between the 7900xt and 7900xtx then there was between the 6800xt and 6900xt.
Soooo yeah, what exactly did AMD do that was so bad or quote "
much worse"?
Well...I scrolled over to Newegg expecting the 4080 to be widely available.
I hope you scrolled purely indeed for that availability info, I cant imagine anyone willing to risk their hard earned cash with Newegg again.....good luck never getting your multiple hundred dollar product and not being able to do anything about it.....