Мost used languages in 2022. Chinese is equal to English. Maybe be must have articles on Chinese and that should be part of the requirements as well.
So which one are you? The person that doesn't read? Or the person that doesn't understand English. Because if you didn't read,
If you did read, means you don't understand English enough to understand the article from your link. The article says The 20
most spoken language. Speaking =/= Literacy. Knowing how to speak doesn't mean you know how to read or write. The number of people knowing how to speak a language doesn't mean they can read the same language. They do not contribute to the statistics of literacy rate, only speaking.
And there are many cases of knowing how to read and write, but not knowing how to speak/converse. This is especially due to the Asian stereotype (I am Asian staying in Asia, I have friends and family who are like this) of memorizing the language to answer exam questions. You can see them use English books, manuals, websites, UI be it on phone or on PC, and have no issues using them whatsoever, but they can't speak English at all. These people contribute to the statistics of literacy but not to the statistics of speaking.