could go down in history [...] is said to have [...] It is said to take [...] The big budget could also mean [...] Rockstar could rope in [...] Rockstar could also target [...]
A few elegant ways to say "we actually have no idea right now"... I mean, sure, I get it - that's probably gonna be the biggest launch in entertainment history (again), but going off random Twitter rumors and speculation feels a bit cheap.
I expect it to release on console first and later on PC so that gamers that own both will double-dip.
If history is anything to go by, you're most likely about 200% correct.
Absolutely no chance that's about to happen, physical media can't comport ongoing live-service games. Bet you this is going to have a very very heavy emphasis on GTA Online.
I have the same feeling and I absolutely hate it.
Well, it has to be big. We won't see another for least until 2050.
This may be a joke, but it's too true to not hurt...
Rockstar usually do an excellent job with their PC ports and unlike most companies these days, release the software when it's good and ready. If that's 12-18 months after PS5 and Series X, as it was with V, so be it. There really is no rush.
Tell me you haven't played GTA IV on PC without telling me you haven't played GTA IV on PC.
I wonder if this will launch at 100 dollars
Not a problem for me, but I'm biased. Whatever the price, though, I think this time I won't preorder. It's getting too risky.
Hoping some PTR and DLSS. Without them, it's a NOGO.
And a game around 70 GB max, too, for the planet.
How did you come up with this number?! GTA V is already around 110 GB.
And free day one on EGS too.
At this point you're delusional or trolling...
I hope they hired someone who knows how to write a good script for the story mode.

Quentin Tarantino (such a genius). Imagine the dialogues, lol.
GTA V and RDR 2, their last two big releases, were both written by Dan Houser, Rupert Humphries and Michael Unsworth. This, plus the fact that I don't remember them previously having any star talent in the writing department just makes me highly doubt it. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Tarantino story as much as the next guy, but I'm just not seeing it.