This is the same EU that went nuts because of a web browser back in the day. I'm sure there were money involved, not directly, i don't mean bribes, but compensations for other parts of the economy in the EU vs US trade negotiations. Video games, consoles, don't mean much for the EU, they picked their fights.
I think you might be right here.
And I think indeed video games are not considered critical enough to worry about. At the same time, it is part of the market the EU wants to regulate so well, so that then doesn't really mix well.
But yeah, picking fights they are, and FWIW, some good progress has been made. I guess we can't have everything.
Either way MS can buy whatever they like, I just don't do on-demand services for gaming at all, my care level is sub zero. MS also means 'MainStream'... well take a look at Game Pass and you see that is what you get: the exact games I generally avoid, or only play feature/DLC complete at a minimum price and then forget about entirely. EA just opened its floodgates of yearly filler content for Game Pass.
I seriously am going to love not going into that shithole, and not giving MS a dime. They can stick their corporate power grab with the sheep that love their yearly rehashes.