Every time I see these "other companies are just going to invert their own cheap AI chips and then NVIDIA will die" posts I LOL at the inability to understand basic facts. Guess what, designing your own silicon is difficult and guess what, those companies are going to be headbutting the exact same wall of lack of foundry capacity that NVIDIA is.
What is actually happening is NVIDIA is telling these companies "we can't get capacity but if you're willing to buy some of Apple's allocation at TSMC for <stupid price>, we'll happily make those GPUs for you" and these companies are going "HOLY SHIT THAT'S EXPENSIVE" and NVIDIA is going "yeah, now you see our problem". Then these companies shit out press releases subtly threatening NVIDIA, who's sitting back going "why are we getting blamed when Apple is the one taking all the capacity"?
I'm more and more surprised every day that NVIDIA is still making consumer GPUs. Switch all your production to server GPUs, let the consumer market sit it out a few generations, it's not like we won't be waiting a couple of generations down the line. Especially given how AMD is barely competitive and Intel isn't in any way shape or form.
You mean the
Dojo that also uses 10,000 NVIDIA GPUs?