Kind of impressive considering that they are a relatively new player. However, I would not expect the same meteoric rise in performance and efficiency as we saw with, say, Chinese NAND like the one YMTC makes. CPUs are so much more complex. But, I guess, this will more than satisfy the internal market as far as workhorse office laptops and desktops are concerned. You don’t really NEED much more than a 10100 to run your day to day tasks, really.
They aren't really a new player. I got a first gen Loongson devkit back in the very early 2010s. Back then, it was a single core MIPS32 device w/ 1GB DDR2 + a laptop HDD in a PC the size of a small bible, IIRC. Not terrible impressive even for the time. I still have it somewhere but I think I killed it trying to bios mod it. (My original contract to get it for free was to port some library to gentoo portage for mips, forget what. Man, those compile times...)
They've (they being the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which designs these) come a long way but still are behind after all these years. And most of these years were unimpeded progress. The impact of the sanctions still has yet to be measured.
Longsoon isn't new and has been around for a long time.
Yeah and also, they have a habit of inflating performance specs a bit.
A bit of an apple and oranges comparison to Intel then.
Sorta. Supposedly the x86_64 emulation performance is quite good, like 80% of original speed good, due to use of pretty blatantly ripped off instructions solely for "emulation use only").
I've never tested that figure though.