it's too costly for screen manurefacturers, to produce 16:10, because of that tiny inch or two is too big of challenge and money waste. And then I've got the info, that these manufacturers, actually after cutting the piece from motherglass, intentionally remove the slice of screen, in order to make it 16:9
Depends on where the math ends up at after cutting the big mother glass sheets, the problem is and always will be market perceived demand and bean counters wanting to min max profits. 16:9 became standard because of TVs and it's the aspect ratio most content used to be, and for the most part still is, produced at. Just like matte screens, office spaces will always preferr them (there might even be rules/guidelines specifying that) and they're a majority of monitor buyers. If they can meet demand with one product, why produce 2 where 1 of them will sell a lot less? Sucks but it is what it is