Weird when Warzone is the cherry picked best case scenario for 7900XTX to begin with LMAO, all other esport games play better on Nvidia anyways. Funny how the latest AMD drivers broke the performance in Warzone, the only esport game that AMD is good at
The game's performance has always been all over the place. The game is notoriously inconsistent regardless of which vendor's card you have and performance has shifted with driver and game updates, both up and down.
BTW I'm a very good esport player myself and I play with low settings all the time, always having the highest end gaming GPU and monitor certainly give me the competitive advantage

If you want a competitive edge in CoD just use any of the numerous controller remap programs to trick the game into thinking you are using controller to give you free auto-aim (or any of the programs to designed to do that without the slight hassle). It's not even considered cheating. Competitive and CoD are oxymorons. The game has aimbot built in and no CoD has even been balanced and it has never been considered an eSports title.
There is something wrong in your thinking that people with high-end GPUs must play only single players game
Don't put words in my mouth. Never said that.
I guess you have never played esport, capping FPS only work half the time.
First, COD is not an eSports. There's a greater argument that you haven't played eSport if all you've played is CoD. Second, I reached Masters is OW when that game was actually good (it's trash now).
If you cap the FPS too high and get GPU-bound mid gunfight you will get very noticeable very bad input latency when you need it the most, capping FPS too low and you are losing on latency reduction with higher FPS (e.g. capping at 120FPS give worse input latency vs 200FPS with reflex). Uncapped FPS + Reflex is simply the best solution for esports.
Sounds like a skill issue, can't properly cap FPS. In a hypothetical scenario where you cap your FPS say 10 below the ideal to ensure consistent input latency (which is really what's penalized when your GPU reaches 100% utilization), the difference in latency in a game that runs at 280 FPS is 0.13 ms. You're no faker bro, 0% chance you are seeing that, let alone being harmed by a 0.13ms difference. Especially in a game like CoD with crap netcode that makes getting killed by superbullets (multiple hits registering at once) and hits behind walls common. It's not like you can't pull up the setings menu and adjust the cap at any time if you do experience a latency increase during a fight, not really sure what you are aruging here other than being either lazy or incompetent.
You are trying to make an argument that would typically apply to eSports titles but in the case of CoD there are far far greater issues that plauge the game.
Its complete nonsense. The overwhelming majority of the supposed advantages in latency in CS is placebo. Just because you can measure it, doesn't mean it factually improves your performance.
The human factor determines your performance. Irrespective of equipment. Equipment can only nudge that performance slightly higher. The amount of gamers that are pro enough to even get that nudge and prove it helps them is certainly not equal to the amount of supposed pro's that think they get it.
Rigorous training and building muscle memory is where its at. This means a lot more than playing a lot of CS. It means actually doing IRL sports to improve your gaming, short sessions of gaming, and full control.
I'd have to agree, there likely isn't much if any benefit to 700 FPS over 500 for example in regard to latency. I could maybe understand a very slight benefit to the ability to predict movement thanks to the additional frames but even still, you are talking 500 FPS vs 700, both of which are very high. Heck going from a 144 Hz to 240 Hz screen was a small upgrade to my eyes and most eSports players that have been asked about the difference seemed to agree. Most said that benefits really cap out at 360 Hz. That said there is a separate factor of image sharpness. A higher refresh rate monitor can improve sharpness of motion but there are other technologies that address that as well (ULMB2 for example). I think these additional factors make the conversation more complicated but at the very least we can conclude that benefits from higher FPS / refresh rates has reached extremely diminishing returns.