The headline should be "Some people couldn't get their overclock stable" or "People in Steam forum angry after game crashes", but I guess that wouldn't get views...
I think the real story here is that tech writers recycle old stories by using sensation headlines that sound current.
They present everything in the most sensational style possible, often making intentional misrepresentations to drive engagement.
The story at Tom's is based on a tweet from a guy that(despite his position) doesn't know how to get his system stable, and a thread in the Steam forums.
Now it's a fake story here. I've seen too many 13700K doing fine to buy into this.
I think the problem is too many people watch a video and decide to build a PC, but they don't really know what they are doing.
Gamers Nexus explained "Accidental Pre-Overclocking vs. Spec" at the time of 10th gen. That guy laughed painfully as he noted that he has to explain this "every single CPU launch from Intel". Asus boards have been heading this direction for like 20 years(going above specs for better performance), and IMO you're in over your head if your don't already know this.