Don't believe me? Just take a simple approx. 50% performance, 50% price increase from now on, the same we have this generation:
2020, RTX 3080 - $700
2022, RTX 4080 - $1200
2024, RTX 5080 - $2040
2026, RTX 6080 - $3468
2028, RTX 7080 - $5896
2030, RTX 8080 - $10022
2032, RTX 9080 - $17038
2034, RTX 1080 - $28965
At what point will you stop?
OK. Lets try some thought experiment. Let assume Huang is right, More Law is dead for good and whole industry almost reached the "wall" and any progress is really slow.
Let assume hipotetical price scenario without AI rush.
2020, RTX 3080 - $700
2022, RTX 4080 - $1200
2024, RTX 5080 - $2040
2030, RTX 6080 - $2468
2038, RTX 7080 - $2896
2050, RTX 8080 - $4022
Again lets compare it to yours scenario.
2020, RTX 3080 - $700
2022, RTX 4080 - $1200
2024, RTX 5080 - $2040 ================= --- 4080 Super - $1000
================= 2026, RTX 6080 - $3468 --- 4080 Super - $800 --- 5080 Super - $1740
================= 2028, RTX 7080 - $5896 --- 4080 Super - $700 --- 5080 Super - $1540 --- 2028, 6080 Super - $2918
2030, RTX 6080 - $2468 --- 2030, RTX 8080 - $10022 - - End of life 4080 - --- 5080 Super - $1340 --- 2030, 6080 Super - $2518 --- 7080 Super - $5196
================= 2032, RTX 9080 - $17038 --- 8080 Super - $8422 - - End of life 5080 - --- 2032, 6080 Super - $2218 --- 7080 Super - $4696
================================= --- 8080 Super - $7022 --- 9080 Super - $14438 --- 2034, - End of life 6080 - --- 7080 Super - $4296 ================================= --- 8080 Super - $5922 --- 9080 Super - $12038 --- ============== 2036, - End of life 7080
2038, RTX 7080 - $2896 =================== - - - End of life 8080 --- 9080 Super - $10040 --- 2038
2050, RTX 8080 - $4022
2065, RTX 9080 - $5538
My simple question is which one scenario is better for gamers ?
In slow progress scenario first availability of RTX 8080 is year 2050 at moderate price level $ 4022 but in AI rush scenario it is available 20 years earlier !! - the price is really high at the moment of premiere but 6 years later it dropped to $5922 for Super incarnation.
IMHO slow progress scenario is much worse for gamers than fast pace scenario even at exploding prices as in your example.