The article tries to sum it up...
"When these new products launch, all eyes will be on the platform's performance, but with a massive interest in stability testing from enthusiasts."
Until the above happens along with a healthy dose of in depth reviews, no one is believing anything from Intel, except for the easily fooled of course.
Not only the review, but the thorough, and recurring testing, throughout it's entire lifetime, until it'd end up EOL. Just like both 13
and 14 gen (that some insist is unfaffected) should be. Just realizing, what overhead and mess, the late intel CPUs have become, not only for the reviewers, but every SI, companies, and every single user, that tries to build the stable, reliable machine. Now every chip, from every SKU, must be tested, after some time, whether it has been in use, or not. And also the reviewers, must return to the testing of almost outdated products again and again, to get the look and statistics/data, that Intel themselves should have provided, on their own, before this went south.
So yeah, until the new SKUs will be tested on release, and at least half-year after, then no confidence and trust should be given "for free"/as granted.