For me personally I hate what's happening to the industry as someone who's been a gamer for forty years I really don't like it especially when I see games like this getting the spot light while others are buried and I hate not being able to talk about it I've lost all respect for some platforms I used to trust because of this censorship. And I definitely don't like being called childish for having an opinion I care deeply about it makes me wonder why such a hot topic is taboo because surely the only was to understand is communication.
No, you were called childish because you bought something, not to play it, but to write a bad review about it, as you've decided it's a bad game, that's it.
I have not played any of the Dragon Age games and I have no idea if this is a good or a bad game, but clearly, most gamers on Steam appear to like the game.
I cover plenty of games here and if you have a look at my weekly roundup, it covers everything from indie games to this.
I don't know why you don't like this game, but there has been a lot of hate on TPU and the internet in general towards games that are inclusive, which I simply don't understand. Why are people upset about the lead being a normal looking woman or a gay person or an ugly alien? It's a game, you're not playing you, which I thought was the whole point of games. I've played and keep playing female characters in plenty of games, does that bother me? Not the least.
If you don't like a game, don't buy it. There, you voted with your wallet. Am I going to buy this game? No. It's not the kind of game I play. There, done, finished.