@Onasi I have to agree with you 100%, but I think there is a higher reason for this push honestly.
This push exist this early because it saves money and time to developers which is something very important in the actual state that the gaming market is.
Still, during the "holy grail" "inception" there were tons of game devs, which dropped RT idea during the development, altogether. Because they still had to make the work twice, or even trice as much. Firstly, because, they had still to make the raster part, since the absolute majority was having non-RT cards. And secondly RT capabilities of even current gen cards are still not even a "craddle" levels. The simple fact is, that the movie industry, uses
entire farms, to render the image, for long time. Not even real time. How the heck, the single cards, can do the same real time?
And then the game devs still have to choose, which RT effects/parts they are going to implement, since none of current, and next couple/several GPU generations would be able to do full RT/path-tracing, with all the reflections, shadows, lighting etc.
Yes, RT is the way, the games should be made. This is without the doubts the ultimate way, not only for visual part, but for sound as well. But five years ago, and even now, the graphic cards RT capabilities are still not there. And if this is so, then there
shouldn't be any push for RT for mass market. nVidia could make some prosumer cards for game devs to fool around, and for the wealthy boys and girls to burn the parent's cash. But these should be just a limited batch of silicon, to show the real state of things, and progress of the RT technology. But not more than this, until, the GPUs tech would be truly ready for RTRT. Until then, this is total BS.
There's no hurry for RT, after all. As
nobody can really
speed up the tech development.