At work now, haven't seen the trailer, but has Geralt gone non-binary?
I guess this is what happens if you leave Toxicity level at 100 for too long
Apart from that... very Witchery trailer. That is really all I can say. It could have been the teaser for the next season, too lol
I was just about to comment how sick to my stomach I was after being told that there already are lots of dumb comments under the trailer, presumably by the "white heterosexual males", complaining about having to play a woman, but I see that shit is already being brought up here. I just hope most of the comments here are irony (my pseudoautistic mind cannot tell).
Yes, they are, the first one was enough to get us going lol
I honestly can't fault the trailer for anything. It is what we've come to expect. Ciri being a Witcher is, okay, but she was already training for it wasn't she. Not entirely unexpected imho. TW3 revolves around her as much as Geralt.
I enjoyed Geralt's story in two of the three games (I did enjoy the first game more after they enhanced it) but I played the games for the writing & stories. It's not like BG or Diablo where you have options to create your own character, you know going into these specific games who the protagonist is. If the developers want a dragon or a marsupial as their hero, I'm not going to cross my arms and huff and puff because the character doesn't represent me.
Perhaps that's the thing though, you do kinda get into Geralt's skin when you play this stuff right. Its a big change of scenery nonetheless, I can see why some people have trouble adjusting. Its a bit like if you were to change the protagonist of Mario Bros. into Peach, and then still call it Mario Bros.
But adjust or don't, its happening anyway
anyone that mattered at cdprojectred left around the time of cyberpunk so im not really surprised this looks like ass. add them to the list of producers that once were good like bioware, blizzard, ubisoft etc. gaming got hollywood and hollywood has been creatively bankrupt slop for decades.
What is decidedly
not slop to you in gaming around this time? I'm curious. Or is everything shit