Actually, im not. Look at the search field. Google was asking if I meant "benchmade". So what if I was/am ignorant? Ive never heard of this before and ive been in this tech space in this form for over 20 years.
Oh im sure. But regardless, seems like a pointless endeavor to me since there is no way to run the OC record 24/7. Now if you put the chip to its limits in an environment that would be easy to run under 24/7 (watercooling), I'd be more impressed.
Well now you're arguing against records in general. The record breaking cars on track that you mentioned earlier can't pull that off 24/7. And what a 24/7-safe record breaking frequency is nobody knows, unless you're looking back at it after 5-10 years of running it. Nowadays some CPUs aren't safe 24/7 even at stock...
If ever you find a way to prove that your CPU ran 24/7 (or even just record how many hours it could run there, few computers run 24/7) at a specified frequency and settle the question "what's better, 4 years at 10GHz or 5 years at 8GHz" then that's a recipe for inventing another type of record
you can hold.
P.S. There is no way for you to run the OC record at all, not just 24/7. That's the whole achievement. Only one human in the world pulled it off.