You would be 100% right, if you weren't talking about someone who had spent the better part of a thread about Rockstar railing against the capitalistic systems which created the stupid americans.
My point is that, in this instance, hiding behind the "it's not black or white" shield is like trying to use a colander as your rain protection...because this thread is not created in a vacuum.
If somebody, other than the person who said this, had made the point and not immediately stated China was going to beat the west we'd have something to discuss. If they hadn't quoted a puff piece that was put out by China saying how they were A number 1, while their own people said their crap was not as desirable as imports, then we'd have a discussion. If I was stupid enough to hate on Vietnam or Taiwan, because instead of having an outlook on governance I just really hated asians...presumably because I was a racist, though it might just be perceived cultural superiority, then we'd have a discussion.
Unfortunately, it's none of these. It's someone who has made their opinion clear, is willing to call out the other side, and should in turn be able to justify themselves when their second statement is calling me a racist.'s not about me being some backwards racist, it's about me being frustrated with a double dealing bunch of jerks who are using communism as a shield for being weasels, who steal from people they call their enemies. These same people are the ones who made it possible to suddenly have a 28% market share, and 0% of that is on something better than commodity goods, which will kill the market for anybody trying to grow like they were allowed to, because they won't be able to compete without the same extortionate government grants that allow for dumping...which is to simply say that the west is finally waking up to this crap. But my smart device can be connected to my wifi and use malicious backdoors built directly in the chip to share my data, rather than just getting hacked, to save me a few cents that will likely just get given back to whatever consortium buys up these poisoned apples.