This tells you nothing about the reason as to why it wont do that, logically the hardware may not be suited to run 32 bit binaries, it's the same when you try and run a CUDA application on an older GPU which is shipped with a compiler that can't turn the given PTX into machine code.
Yeah, no way to know it without 100% certainty unless one works at nvidia.
In the same vein, we can't even be sure that it's the actual hardware that doesn't support that, or just the software stack.
Reminder that everything has to get turned into a compatible binary, even a regular shader,
Not really the case with CUDA since, as far as I know, the PTX is actually jitted into the actual SASS used by the underlying hardware. Iirc, this also applies to most (if not all) other APIs on top of GPUs.
The above is a bit pedantic, so feel free to ignore it if what you meant was something in a more broader sense.
so why is there a compiler that can turn regular shaders in 32bit machine code (presumably, maybe it promotes everything to 64bit but I doubt it) but can't do the same for 32bit PTX ?
Can it? I know that on linux you can't do so with Vulkan, not sure about Windows.
Nonetheless, in case it can, it corroborates with what I had said: the support was dropped from the software stack. The Vulkan/DirectX/whatever API you're running still has support to JIT 32-bit code into the proper SASS. The CUDA driver, however, has no such support for blackwell specifically. The GPU itself is not even aware of that.
Reminder that for each API, you have a specific driver that handles submissions to the GPU.
WIth the above said, there are other runtimes/compilers that allow you to emit 32-bit code and will support in some way. With open source drivers nothing stops you from emitting SPIR-V (not PTX) in any way you want and jitting those in the appropriate manner.
why not drop support for literally everything 32bit running on the GPU, why just 32bit PTX ?
Idk, but I believe they are slowly moving towards that.
I think the problem here is nVidia's "lack of disclosure".
From design to manufacture, a new generation of GPUs takes A LOT OF TIME to be made, so i would ASSUME nVidia knew about whatever it is that prevents them from enabling 32bit support A LOT EARLIER than when they disclosed the information to the software companies: WHY WAIT UNTIL NOW to do it?
But they have been saying so for years, that's what a deprecation notice is. Once something is deprecated, killing it may happen anytime, and nvidia announced so as soon as the new CUDA version supporting blackwell was released.