This is how Africa is anyway. They are still a very immature clump of factions really, as most countries are split up in civil wars. In Africa it's kill or be killed, steal or be stolen from, it's a survival of the fittest. And I know I'm gonna eat s*** for this one, but this is the reason black people tend to be more violent, as they have so much violence in thier background. It's in thier gene-pool.
I'm not racist, it just happens to be that way because of genetic history. In fact I might go as far as to say I have black friends. Well, I'm friendly with some black people, I just don't do too good of a job of defining the line of "friend" and "we're just friendly with eachother".
well, first, I would like to say that I am born and raised in Namibia, currently a canadian, and am white {not that that's better, but it usually helps explain some of these things}. in Africa, racism is a national sport because, yes, people will be killed for about ten rand {almost a dollar}. yes, genetic memory has been a proven factor in racism, but that's not really the problem. when liberation came around in south africa, there were strikes in municipal organizations at least once a month. crime rates went up 300% {unofficially}, and the currency went lower. I myself am not racist, but I am prejudiced untill someone can prove that their stereotypes don't apply.
in countries like these, they take any opportunity they can get to further themselves. if people in north-America and Europe grew up in the same conditions, they would be just the same. I grew up in a fairly developed area, and I have still seen a man cut fire-wood with an ak-47 {I think that's what it was. I was only 6 at the time}, and I like to think that I can honestly say that we, as a developed country with money coming out our backsides, cannot understand their motivations, and only look like asses when trying to understand them.
now, to steer away from my rant, I would rather blame the company than the country, as most of the cuntry would benefit from it