I'd really love to know who the hell is voting 1 all the time.
Like i've said before, no cases here deserve a 1, so grow up. If your really that jealous, get your credit card out and build your own. You'll soon begin to appreciate these awsome cases as you struggle with yours.
Anyway, back on topic:
You could write a small program in VB to run a motor off the parallel printer port. The port itself doesn't provide enough power to turn a motor, and uses digital signals instead of analogue voltages, so you would need to design a circuit to change a signal into a positive or negative voltage, depending on which way you want it to turn and how fast. There's only roughly 5 of the god-knows-how-many-pins are in the paralell port that you will need to utilize, so don't be too put off. I'm sure you can find pin outs and circuit diagrams about that you could adapt to your specification.