To view this case mod, go here.
- Foxconn 6150K8MA-8EKRS Mico-ATX motherboard - AMD Athlon 64x2 4400+ CPU - 2 GB of memory with a 60 mm fan - 300 GB Seagate hard drive - DVD+/-RW Sony slim drive - 400W power supply with 120 mm fan - KingWin AWC-1 liquid cool w/ 2 radiators and fans. - 1 80mm fan with green LEDs.
Electronic components: - 2 Atmel microcontrollers (Atmega8515). - 12 buffer invertor chips (6 switches per chip). - over 80 LEDS (green and yellow) - some resistors, capactors, Transistors and diodes. - 2 custom programs written in GCC AVR-C. Lighting Remote control: - 1 RF transmitter (XETX02A)--Xenon Electronic. - 1 RF receiver decoder (XERE02A)--Xenon Electronic. - Some resistors, capactors and transistors. Keypad: - 1 4x4 Keypad (modified from a remote control). - 1 Atmel's microcontroller (Atmega162). - some resistors, capactors and transistors. - a custom program written in GCC AVR-C to accept password and remote functions.
I do have a worklog and lots of other pictures, but I have no website of my own. If you would to see more of them, email me. All the LEDs are animated too.

- Foxconn 6150K8MA-8EKRS Mico-ATX motherboard - AMD Athlon 64x2 4400+ CPU - 2 GB of memory with a 60 mm fan - 300 GB Seagate hard drive - DVD+/-RW Sony slim drive - 400W power supply with 120 mm fan - KingWin AWC-1 liquid cool w/ 2 radiators and fans. - 1 80mm fan with green LEDs.
Electronic components: - 2 Atmel microcontrollers (Atmega8515). - 12 buffer invertor chips (6 switches per chip). - over 80 LEDS (green and yellow) - some resistors, capactors, Transistors and diodes. - 2 custom programs written in GCC AVR-C. Lighting Remote control: - 1 RF transmitter (XETX02A)--Xenon Electronic. - 1 RF receiver decoder (XERE02A)--Xenon Electronic. - Some resistors, capactors and transistors. Keypad: - 1 4x4 Keypad (modified from a remote control). - 1 Atmel's microcontroller (Atmega162). - some resistors, capactors and transistors. - a custom program written in GCC AVR-C to accept password and remote functions.
I do have a worklog and lots of other pictures, but I have no website of my own. If you would to see more of them, email me. All the LEDs are animated too.
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