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AMD Athlon X2 4800+, Vid Card 1: X850 CrossFire Edition, Vid Card 2: X850XT, HDD1 74GB Raptor(Game Drive), HDD2 Samsung SATA-2 400GB 7200RPM (Porn/Music/Movie Drive), 2GB OCZ Platinum RAM, Enermax EG851AX-VH 660Watt PSU, DFI Lan Party CrossFire Edition Mobo.
Retro Fit an exhaust Manifold from a V6 Chevy Motor to side panel, Welded the Sidepanel shut and used black ductape to hide the hardcore shitty welds, taped over A: Drive slot because I lost the cover for it :\ Who needs it anyways? Hooked up a fog machine from the back through unused PCI ports in the back of the case hooked right to the exhaust manifold so I dont ruin any of the internal parts. 120MM fan infront of the HDD's and a 4k rpm 80mm fan exhaust in back.
This comp was originally made for a school project for a video, after we were done the video we thought it would be cool to put kick ass parts inside of it because it is such a junker
we bring it to lans and people laugh untill they see its performance in any game, I keep saying we because I am not the solo owner of this 2 of my friends helped in the conception of this beast.

AMD Athlon X2 4800+, Vid Card 1: X850 CrossFire Edition, Vid Card 2: X850XT, HDD1 74GB Raptor(Game Drive), HDD2 Samsung SATA-2 400GB 7200RPM (Porn/Music/Movie Drive), 2GB OCZ Platinum RAM, Enermax EG851AX-VH 660Watt PSU, DFI Lan Party CrossFire Edition Mobo.
Retro Fit an exhaust Manifold from a V6 Chevy Motor to side panel, Welded the Sidepanel shut and used black ductape to hide the hardcore shitty welds, taped over A: Drive slot because I lost the cover for it :\ Who needs it anyways? Hooked up a fog machine from the back through unused PCI ports in the back of the case hooked right to the exhaust manifold so I dont ruin any of the internal parts. 120MM fan infront of the HDD's and a 4k rpm 80mm fan exhaust in back.
This comp was originally made for a school project for a video, after we were done the video we thought it would be cool to put kick ass parts inside of it because it is such a junker

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