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Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
XFX nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS SLI
OCZ DDR 2 GB(2 x 512) 1066
Cooler Master Extreme Power 430W
Mainboard MSI P7N SLI-FI
HDD Samsung 250GB SATA II + 120 GB IDE
Modded Case : Atrix Colorsit SVEN 9002
Revolteс Dual Catode UV light 33mm, Arctic Cooling Freezer PRO 7, Custom light, Paint job UV paint, Plexyglass with Engraving, Front Panel Mod etc...
My the first modding on theme HL2, general time has made about 3 months. Light-emitting diodes in coolers, illumination of windows, an engraving at a lateral window are replaced. Painting by a UV paint.
Мой первый моддинг на тему ХЛ2, общее время составило около 3 месяцев. Заменены светодиоды в кулерах, подсветка окон, гравировка на боковом окне. Покраска УФ краской.

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
XFX nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS SLI
OCZ DDR 2 GB(2 x 512) 1066
Cooler Master Extreme Power 430W
Mainboard MSI P7N SLI-FI
HDD Samsung 250GB SATA II + 120 GB IDE
Modded Case : Atrix Colorsit SVEN 9002
Revolteс Dual Catode UV light 33mm, Arctic Cooling Freezer PRO 7, Custom light, Paint job UV paint, Plexyglass with Engraving, Front Panel Mod etc...
My the first modding on theme HL2, general time has made about 3 months. Light-emitting diodes in coolers, illumination of windows, an engraving at a lateral window are replaced. Painting by a UV paint.
Мой первый моддинг на тему ХЛ2, общее время составило около 3 месяцев. Заменены светодиоды в кулерах, подсветка окон, гравировка на боковом окне. Покраска УФ краской.
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