I think I see what your on about EascoastHandle.
Im concerned as well how NVIDIA is going to change the AgeiA PhySX from a hardware unit to a software unit and what kind of repercussions that that could provide us. Personally I believe that if this does become just a piece of software that it may just end up being a rival to HAVOC physics
u dont get it, this is just converting the current PhySX instructions so they run thru the gf8 seirse of gpu's insted of on a detocated card, i saw this coming, now if nvidia where more like amd is we would probbly see this become avalable for other hardware vendors to support, such as intel and ati, giving nvidia the advantege since they are the ones who made it and leaving any other companys to play catchup, but meh, we will see a solution for this from AMDTI eventuly im sure.
see any x1k card or newer can be used as a PPU given the games engine is writen to support it, but because Havoc stoped dev on GPU Phsyix we are stuck without any wide range support for gpu as a ppu currently.
the only thing i can say is nvidia better offer pci-e 1x videocards cheap that can be used as a ppu, and if they are smart they will allow them to work along side amd/ati and intel videocards running as a pure ppu.