You're not too far off the truth there.
Depression is coming for the Americans. The dollar is continously and rapidly decreasing in value, the national debt has doubled in the last ten years (or less), the spending of the government is at an all time high, the cost of living has risen over 10%, unemployment is on the rise, more and more jobs are being out-sourced, the ratio of import to export is outstanding, and while all this is going on, they're spending a trillion dollars a year overseas attempting to fund all the military bases scattered through the world.
A bulk of this money being spent is actually borrowed from China. The U.S. has been in a recession for decades. that sounded like a Ron Paul debate, but unfortunatley it's true either way.
Three billion will seem like a penny in the bucket when shit really hits the fan.
you can thank bush and the republican "concervitive" party for this, their pholosiphy, cut taxes and SPEN SPEND SPEND, oh wait I mean cut taxes for the RICH upper 10% of americans, THEN....SPEND SPEND SPEND, typical dumbass rich people wanting to help their buddys get richer and richer......
also these so called "concervitives" who are "against big government" are the ones who pass laws that allow the govt to spy on its own people and even arrest/detail/imprison/kill then without ever letting the public or anybody out side their loop know.
i am getting more and more disscouraged by the dirrection this countrys headed in, i vote and it dosnt seem to matter, the dumbmasses(masses of the dumb) managed to keep a RETARED IMBREAD in office dispite how horribly he tanked the job the first time around.......thank god for term limmits!!!!
everybody please, vote dem, even if u dont like them, just pick one of the 2 blues and vote, at least under billy clinton(hillbilly

) things where looking UP for our country and we didnt have the whole world looking at us and shaking their collective heads because we are in what they see as a war for profit, with steadly raising levels of debt to the rest of the world.
oh and free trade needs to be changed to FAIR TRADE, tit for tat as it where, meaning the us needs to stop allowing so many imports from countrys that dont consume american products....tho what america makes anymore that the rest of the world would pay for its beyond me, we need to STOP OUTSORCEING EVERYTHING and start taking care of our own.......
oh yeah and we need to fix these intelectual property laws that allow the mpaa/riaa to cause so many problems not only here in america but in other countrys as well....blah i could go on and on about all this, but the post would be 5 pages long by the time i was done and i would still have more to say!!!!