So somebody made a
video that put Mac users on the spot. So what? The thing is, what the narrator is getting at is actually true. While this "snob factor" at first sounds like a bunch of fanboyish humor, studies conducted nationwide found that Mac users fit into a ton of stereotypes. The simple version of the conlusion: Mac users are, generally speaking, "self centered, arrogant and conceited." To back up these extreme conclusions, there are studies out there showing that Mac users are...
- More likely to buy teeth-whitening products and fashionable clothes/sneakers(self-centered).
- More likely to buy organic food and eco-friendly products, regardless of how much they cost.
This isn't all bad for Mac users though. Mac users were over three times more likely to legitimately purchase music than their PC-using counterparts.
Source: DailyTech
thx zek, and the pay vs "aquier" music thing, because most mac users are to simple to figuar out how to get it free, they just pay for SHITTY quility itunes files insted with all that lovely DRM built in!!!!
Must be an American thing.
Of the many Mac users I know in South Africa, snobbery and teeth whitening are virtually unknown.
probbly because they are usign 10 year old macs, and dont know what a toothbrush let along tooth whitening stuff is
![Stick Out Tongue :p :p](
(thats a jestfull jab at your country btw not an attack!!!)
Suits may not make someone a snob, but suits are meant for certain things. If there was a classroom of kids all wearing casual clothes and there was one kid wearing a suit and he no particular reason besides dressing to impress people, it would look snobish.
The point of that advertising is that the PC is for business, and the average Apple computer is for the casual. It's not to say hey I'm better than you...
um, i gotta say then your the snob, because when i was in highschool, nobody cared what you wore as long as you didnt stink or wherent fat waring a miniskirt/belly shirt(nobody wants to see that, it would be like sing me in a speedo.....ewwww)
suits are just cloths, i knew no less then 5 people in HS that wore one every day, they wherent snobs....well one sorta was but it wasnt that he looked down on people, just that he was so detached from everybody elses reality that he seemed like a snob.
some places in this country its the costom to ware suits based on your religion, my ex's father grew up in a part of pencilvania(sp) where they did that, and he said if i showed up in my joging pants and teeshirt people would look down on and even make fun of me......then again i told him "who fing cares, they can all kiss my fat white ass" because honestly, i wana be cumfy not cooped up in a suit when i dont need to be!!!
I'm a Mac user. Does this mean I'm a snob? lol
yes, yes you are......damn you and your quad core and 1gb 8800gt's with good stock cooling....damm you!!!!!!!
oh and on a side note, i dissagree about the price of macs WileE, only your iMac isnt possable to out do price for perf vs a mac if you know what to buy, and even with the imac, for stock perf i could match it
that said, did anybody but a mac fanboi/user really need this study to tell them that mac users are stuck up snobs(pure mac users or full on converts not ppl who have both are are skilled with both)?, honestly, just go over to a site like spymac, full of stuck up pricks who will tell you that all pc's suck, and when u point out that they are just on a dumbled down linux/bsd pc they will get pissed and dennie it and say the hardwares diffrent and better.
i use to have fun trolling spymac and some other sites because......well honestly its just to damn easy..........they are so easy to piss off, just point out why mac's suck, like how u cant upgrade most of them and they are throw away and buy a new one systems just like most ppl with their dells, and you will hve 50 mac snobs frothing at the mouth, when you ask them if they can do some tasks on their mac, 99% of them duno what your talking about or try and say it dosnt matter because nobody needs to do them anyway(example, recover lost/deleted data from command line/dos style tools)
ah the joy of dealing with stuck up mac so glad i dont have to do that every day now, for a while i had to deal with on guy in perticular, an ex coworker of my mothers, the guy would bad mouth pc's constantly, his ONLY exp with them having been one emachien somebody bought him as a gift and the OLD buisness systems they had at the office(couple 95 boxes and 3 nt4 boxes) he got a pc fromd ell, one of those imac clones, it was nice for its size, but he was mad at how hard it was to transport to and from work(wow 4 wires......)
he sold it to the office and got a 3 year old apple portable/laptop thing, that then crashed every few hours under use, reinstalling the os didnt fix it.........but he insisted it was more reliable and faster then the pc
note, the nt4 systems NEVER crashed EVER, the 95 boxes every couple weeks would have to be fully shut down and restarted to keep from crashing, his mac frooze/crashed once a day at least
![Big Grin :D :D](