The only reason MS bans names with words like GAY and COON in them is because they are afraid of being sued. Liberals in this country have given lawyers and judges tooooo much power.
You can sue anybody for anything here. Thanks to liberalism, censorship is quite necessary.
He was not banned from XBL, just forced to change his name for free. Not the end of the world.
look up the facts, its not librals who get bent over words like gay, its "social concervitives" those people in the red states that want to make laws to bann gays from getting marryed, or to outlaw being gay period.
I live in what you....well anybody would call a libral state, and its extreamly rare that anybody here sues over "gay" or "lesbian" or the like, hell here the words are JUST WORDS, you use them in plublic and unless your using them to try and attack somebody NOBODY GIVES A SHIT, on the other hand people do get upset about racial terms that are fully acceptable in the redstates/south.
if you call comebody a coon,nignog,jigabu(thanks clerks2 for that list in that order) or the n word, or terms for mexican like wetback, spic or on and on and on, or for any race other then white(they can make fun of us whites all they like and nobody gets offended.....) your gonna get ur arse reamed by people.
good example, i was on the buss one day with a bunch of friends, i was the ONLY one there who was white, they had spent the whole ride(over 45min) cracking jokes about crackers and shit, comparing me to kernal sanders, a chick with a huge ass walks by(rest of her was small but huge HUGE ass) my mexican buddy says colour, effectivly "back that ass up and let" i called him a dirty mexican, driver slamed on the breaks, tells me to get the fuck off the buss for being a racist, all 8 of us got off the buss sicne we where out to go see some new movie(moves are alwase better with friends!!!) she was shocked we ALL got off, well it was only like 1.5 blocks to the buss station, by the time we got there the security guard was out waiting for us, he started to tell me i was getting a 6 month bann from the buss, my buddys steped in, informed him they wanted complain forms for HER racisim, in the end, i didnt get in trouble, she got a 2 day suspention and was taken off the public routs(put on a short buss that payed less)
but that shows what its like here, nobody sues over it, but you will get reamed for saying that kinda stuff even if its jokingly, had i been like them, mexican, asian or black, i would have been able to say whatever i wanted, but im a big white guy, so i get dinged for it....
now your assertion that librals are to blame, well read what "concervitives" put into law, and how they react to things they dont like, they make laws to try and bann them, stupid but true, tho its ok if your in the south for whites to say shit to other races and do things that genraly would get you kicked out of places here.
the conservitive south/redstates make me sick, honestly.........
oh and b4 you imply it, no im not gay, but yes i have gay friends, and i have friends with ammusing names that would be banned from xbxlive, thankfully none of them are consol junkies, only one of them even owns a consol for gaming, and its a Wii to play with his wife and kids.