Don't take offense, but India is not precisely the biggest market out there, one that big companies would care a lot of. In US and entire Europe the GTX260 IS almost at same price AFAIK. Here in Spain it is at least. I have seen Palit's and Gigabyte's GTX260 for 230 euros VAT incl. HD4870 sells for 215-230, I couldn't find one for less. I can't post the prices because the ones I'm talking about are retail, not etail. All the other GTX260 that I found are around 250 or above, but all of them are heavlily overclocked cards. Because Nvidia is more flexible with partners, they overclock a lot and their prices are very loose, but you can always have one (even OCed) for very good price. With 8800 GT happened the same, average price of the GT was significantly higher than HD3870 but I bought mine for 203 euros, when average GT was 250 and HD was 220.