Exactly! Wii SUCKS, capital letters intended. And that's why there's a saying: "It's never too late for anything". Well,as it seems, it's never too late to turn one of the greatest gaming/entertainment product into a gay joke. I'm lazy and I'll just copy what I wrote in the X360 clubhouse:
Quote: "Well, I know what the avatars are for, and I know that they're use for the 1vs.100 game, which isn't bad, but it's like M$ is saying to me "I just don't take you seriously and go f*** yourself". Well, I may be 14, you can say that my opinion is not worth much, but how do you see a grown 30-40 year man being represented by a childish/gay-looking toy-like thing... It's just that X360 is meant for gaming, not dressing up dolls. They are turning a great console into a mediocre toy that way. And I watched the full presentation on a video. Here's what I noticed - they spent 30 minutes for GoW2, Fallout 3, and RE5. And just for their retarded bullsh** they spent almost 45 minutes saying the same thing over and over again, trying to convince us how great, almighty, cool, incredible, etc. is the new look of the X360 is... So, my point is that those retarded avatars got more attention (or at least they hoped so) than 3 GREAT upcoming games! And the moment they showed the new look instead of instant clapping there was just silence for about 2-3 second, 'cuz people were like "WTF is this, is this Vista???" Vista is spreading it's influence like a plague, I can take that, but all that bullsh** gay look is just too much! We are not kids, damn it! The kids who like this stuff can't even afford to buy an Xbox on their own, and if their parents buy them the Xbox it's likely they'll play childish, retarded games! Those users are by no means serious gamers. So, this shows that M$ is trying to make happy people who think like this: "Ooo shiny! Me like! Me buy!" That is why I'm so pissed off, and that is why I feel like M$ said to us "F*** you! We just want to take people's money and we don't give a s**t about our customers as long as they are keeping our pockets full of money"! End of quote. (I'm quoting myself

Long story made short - what I'm trying to say on this unusually long post for me is that M$ is trying to treat us like RETARDS! And quite honestly, the fact is that, after all I'M PAYING THEM MONEY! And now I feel f**ked and betrayed by M$, this just offends me and is making me very angry.
EDIT: Forgot to answer your question: as much as I understand this bullsh** idea that M$ came up with is: to play LIVE you have to have the latest updates... So, it's not optional, now your X360 HAS to look gay to use it's full potential. And I really doubt that there will be an option to use the old "blade" system. Now, because of this X360 pretty much is = Good games/GAY LOOKS. I just had a feeling that something isn't right here, a great console from M$. Well, they did as expected, they f**ked up, big time!