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Foxconn BlackOps X48
Intel Q6600 @ 3.6 Ghz
G.Skill Memory F3 PC 12800
ATi 4870 X2
Seagate 7200.11 320 Gb
Watercooling Parts
D-Tek Fuzion V2 with Quad Nozzle
Liang D5 Variable Pump
Thermochill PA 120.3 Radiator
Faser UV Hose 1/2 ID - 3/4 OD
Faser Acid Green Liquid
Yateloons Fans

Foxconn BlackOps X48
Intel Q6600 @ 3.6 Ghz
G.Skill Memory F3 PC 12800
ATi 4870 X2
Seagate 7200.11 320 Gb
Watercooling Parts
D-Tek Fuzion V2 with Quad Nozzle
Liang D5 Variable Pump
Thermochill PA 120.3 Radiator
Faser UV Hose 1/2 ID - 3/4 OD
Faser Acid Green Liquid
Yateloons Fans
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