Not that I noticed, works right away for me. But I have the "windowed G-Sync" option enabled since I use borderless fullscreen mode. I use the fps unlocker if it changes anything (don't think it does)
Windowed G-sync is older and a bit different. If working properly, current w11 should be able to do everything windowed g-sync can, without the occasional jank in windowed g-sync. couple months ago I was at a friend's house and was mindblown that he had genshin running with full VRR even in a literal window, no tweaks no nothing. turns out w1zz's tweaks unintentionally fucked me over all along LOL
That's odd, I'm running Windows IoT Enterprise right now and I don't even have the Game Bar installed, but it seems to work. I haven't noticed any jankiness while playing, and things can get hectic in imaginarium theater, this game is kinda heavy pushing 4K/120. Are you playing on the America server btw? 670110223
yeah 24H2 IOT. You probably won't need game bar if you are just using NVCP windowed G-sync, that's always worked (just not 100%), as a separate workaround. But if you run G-sync normally as fullscreen only, it's reliant on FSO, hence game bar (ostensibly)