I only just noticed that W1zzard and I think it's an excellent contribution to your reviews.
Clock states like that are becoming more and more commonplace in today's cards and it's good to know what each of them are for a card you own.
As a suggestion, where possible it would be good to have the measured voltage and the reported voltage, like for example on a 5870 where reported 3d voltage is 1.162, it would be nice to see whats actually flowing to the GPU during load.
whether voltage reporting is possible at all depends on the board design etc. (basically only volterra controllers). then there is what the card "requests", that can either be a number or a VID bit pattern, and i know very little about that. then there are numerous implementation bugs, for example a vendor choses to use a different voltage controller that has no i2c support, but just uses the same bios that tries to set voltages via i2c but nothing happens. card runs fine, voltage extracted via that method are wrong...
i can measure gpu voltage on all cards manually and reliably, no matter what controller they use. just use the multimeter, problem solved
look at the board design, try a few different points, i tend to use components with big through hole soldering (easy to attach to) or bigger smd capacitors